Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I just love Obama-RALLY I do!!

What a glorious day it was! It was a brisk fall morning that quickly warmed into a beautiful fall day here in Denver. And to top it all off. . . Barack Obama was in town speaking at a rally in Denver. I got myself up, rode the light rail into downtown Denver and joined over 100,000 of my closest friends to cheer on Barack Obama, as well as other Democratic candidates. I didn't have my camera with me, but I was able to get a couple of good shots from my cell phone. 
I couldn't see the podium where he spoke, but if you look in the first picture, it was located just beyond the American flag. That flag, by the way, was GIGANTIC. The picture really doesn't do it justice.

The news station estimated the crowd to be at about 100,000. It was really amazing to be in the middle of this huge crowd. The crowd was very mellow and very excited to be there. Amazingly I ran into a few friends, too. 

We listened to Representative Diana DeGette, Senator Ken Salazar, Mayor John Hickenlooper, and Congressman Mark Udall, among others. They all spoke of change, getting out the vote, working together and electing Barack Obama for President! Woo-hoo!

When Obama spoke, I felt even more hopeful and excited. He didn't say anything "new," really, from any of his other speeches or debates I've seen. It was just "cool" to be at this huge event, listening to him speak, unedited, interjecting humor, and just being himself. (OK, himself at a big rally on the campaign trail!) :)  Anyway, it felt reassuring listening to someone (who is much smarter than I) who has some good, solid ideas for how to move forward on some important issues. . . big and small. 


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